AVG (Some threats couldn't be removed)?

I whole scanned my laptop with AVG internet security (Fast scan) after it finished ..its says 'some threats couldn't be removed) why is that?

avg couldn't remove threats

You have done scan with priority Fast Scan that does not scan the indepth of your system files, like it cannot scans the compressed files although the threats was detected but deep scan can recognize the threats.

What deep scan do is, it scan every compressed files and if any file have password or any authentication type it can not be scanned by the virus scanner and so you need to check with these kind of files.

If you are using a free of AVG it does not have all the features when compared to premium ones, you can compare in the AVG website.

If you have premium version of antivirus you need to update the virus definition and initiate a Deep Scan that does clears the issue and if not then you need to AVG or post your question in AVG Forums and they may provide any removal tools as you need to mention the threat name there.

Internet security is featured with a Firewall, you can enable feature that if any application is accessing the internet you will be notified by the Firewall.

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Which is better Intel Pentium or Intel Core i7?

As basically I will Intel Core i7 is the best one, because it covers the latest technology which is use full from high end media encoding and decoding, high end games and graphic design.

intel core processors

if you are a first time user on the desktop or laptop I suggest you to take the Pentium which is worth for your usage and many more things you should consider while buying Intel Core i7. As you feel that after buying you got the latest technology but the question how much you can use the Intel Core i7, does that much high end is required my usage? and ask yourself a question regarding this?

If you are a basic user of using the small applications like office, internet usage and games(small games) you can go for Pentium, actually let you know that Pentium has also got 3rd generation technology as like Intel Core i7 but cannot beat the performance of the Core i7. 

You may research in the Internet where the processor Core i7 needs, at what point of time it is useful to a desktop user?

Let me suggest that Based on the usage you can take the desired processor that which fulfills your needs.

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Scan.exe virus problem?

I have downloaded Cheat Engine and it came with a few...unwanted software's (ad ware). Firstly YouTube Accelerator which i managed to delete, then was Shopping pro and now I keep getting pop ups from my antivirus about an app called scan.exe which is located in my temp folder. I scanned my PC and found the threat,deleted it but after a few minutes it popped right up.Anyone know what to do?

scan.exe virus removal
Cheat Engine?, at the time of downloading when you clicked on the download link it might be redirected to any other page or website which does have many download buttons or images may be clicked on that and that leads to downloading the unnecessary software's where they confuse you before providing the download link.

Many websites are redirected like these to other third party cloud storage websites they show ads that will confuse you and leads you to click on the ads, so Beware.

If you want to know how to remove these things, just goto control panel, goto add/remove programs in the list you will find unnecessary software's which you need to uninstall.

Precautions need to be taken before opening these kind of sites, better install a good antivirus program and it will take care rest of it

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