How to Protect Your Eyes From the Negative Effects of Digital Devices and Blue Light

recent study by Bank of America shows that nearly half of U.S. consumers couldn't last a day without their mobile devices. It makes sense. Think about the first thing that you do in the morning. If you're like me, you're catching up on email before you even get out of bed. Then, you head straight to your computer at work and spend a majority of the day on it or using one of the many other digital devices that are available in today's increasingly-technological society.
But what if I told you that these electronics are emitting a dangerous blue light, which is negatively impacting not only your vision but also your overall health? It's true, and it's a major concern for eye doctors across the country.
First, let me be clear: I love technology, and I fully embrace it. I actually use a tablet and Google Glass (definitely a talking point with my patients!) as part of my exam process, because it allows me to spend more time engaging with my patients instead of having my back to them while I work at a computer. But just as I advise my patients to protect their eyes from the sun, I also advise them to take protective measures for their eyes when using digital devices.
Continual extended screen time can impact your eyes in two major ways. The first and most common side effect is digital eye strain. When we look at a screen, our blink rate drops significantly, and our eyes won't put up with that for too long without fuss.

If you've ever experienced slightly blurry vision after staring at the computer all day, that was a sign of digital eye strain. Maybe your eyes feel dry, runny or tired after scrolling through your Facebook feed, or maybe you get a headache after a few hours on the computer. These symptoms are often so common that we don't even recognize them as real issues. While digital eye strain is temporary, if left unaddressed, it can turn into a chronic problem.
The easiest way to address digital eye strain is to blink more. That might sound overly simple, but blinking helps to keep eyes lubricated. Another effective way to avoid or help to resolve digital eye strain is to follow the "20-20-20 Rule" -- every 20 minutes, stare at something at least 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. This exercise engages your distance vision and helps the eye to "reset."
The second -- and more serious -- impact that too much technology consumption can have on our eyes is damage from blue light exposure. Blue light is just what it sounds like -- it's a type of light that gives off a blue color. Blue light is harmful, because it's the highest energy wavelength of visible light. This energy is also able to penetrate all the way to the back of the eye, through the eyes' natural filters, and that's the problem.
Even though blue light is nothing new, the biggest issue is the amount of blue light exposure that we get each day through digital device use. With this exposure increasing over time, we are actually causing permanent damage to our eyes. But unlike digital eye strain, the effects of blue light are cumulative and can lead to eye diseases like macular degeneration.
Children are especially at risk when it comes to the negative effects of blue light exposure. These days, a lot of homework is done online, and many children have access to (or have their own) digital devices that they are using for increasingly longer periods of time. The difference for children is that their eyes are still developing, and they don't yet have the protective pigments in their eyes to help filter out some of this harmful blue light. That's why, just like with UV radiation, most blue light exposure occurs before kids are 18 years old.
While it may be a great concern for children, adults are susceptible, as well. This is especially true as adults are using digital devices more and more in both their personal and professional lives. So what can you do about it?
First, you can take steps to protect your eyes from the harmful effects of blue light. If you're not able to limit your digital device use, at least cut back on it before bed. Studies show that exposure to blue light a couple of hours before bedtime actually suppresses melatonin and delays deep REM sleep significantly. So cutting back on tech use at night means getting better sleep, making people more productive at both work and school (and speaking from my own personal experience, it makes children more pleasant).
Second, you should consider talking with your eye doctor about lenses that filter out blue light (and no, these aren't the old bright orange blue-blocker eyewear from the '90s). The lenses have little-to-no tint and can help to minimize the direct blue light exposure that you get throughout the day. Most of my patients who have these lenses noticed an immediate increase in eye comfort because of the improved contrast, which helps to relax the eyes. And if you have children, I would absolutely recommend these lenses -- especially if they have trouble sleeping at night.
By keeping in mind a few simple ways to protect the eyes, we can take pleasure in knowing that our eyes will last much longer than our trusty smartphones, tablets and computers.


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I’ve lost Kaspersky Lab activation code. What should I do?

Kaspersky Lab Technical Support specialists answer a great number of requests concerning activation code recovery methods.

The Kaspersky Quick Start Guide, which contains your activation code, informs users to hold onto the document, but many individuals end up misplacing it. For those who purchase their products online, the activation code comes in the form of an email, which, again, many users forget to save.
Keep the document with the activation code in a secure place until the corresponding license renewal or expiration.
According to the License Agreement terms, “To check the legitimacy of the Software use the Rightholder reserves the right to use means to verify that you have a licensed copy of the Software.” Technical Support specialists can ask to verify the legitimacy of your software use by providing a copy of a document containing the code. If you cannot provide a copy, your software will work with limited functionality and Kaspersky Lab specialists may cancel providing technical support. Therefore, you should keep the document in a secure place.

 “If you bought the antivirus in 20xx. keep a renewal document until the corresponding license renewal or expiration.
And what should you do if the code is lost? If you reinstall the software, you need to request the code again. Activation codes are not stored in applications or registry. If your current activation code was not added to My Account (, you will have to remember where you stored it.
If the license was purchased in Online Shop, you can easily request to re-send your order.
If the license was purchased in there On-line Shop, you can easily request to re-send your order. They highly recommended saving your email containing the code until your license expires. It’s also worth mentioning that the on-line shop is there partner, so you therefore need to contact the on-line shop directly.
If you bought your license in a shop on a physical medium (e.g. CD), you can submit a request to Kaspersky Lab Technical Support and attach a screenshot of the window with your license number. We need the screenshot to verify that the license number was not re-written by a third person.
If you deleted your Kaspersky Lab product and cannot view your license number, but have another computer with the same Kaspersky Lab product activated with the same activation code, then you can send a screenshot of a window with your license number made on that computer. The license number will be the same.
Remember, it is impossible to restore your commercial activation code by a trial license number.
A Kaspersky Lab product can be pre-installed on a purchased computer or by a technical specialist. If you have a receipt like a “Standard software package,” the document will not verify the legitimacy of the software. The seller must provide a document’s package, including the purchased Kaspersky Lab license and receipt. If you do not have the document’s package, contact the seller to get all the required documents

Have you tried to contact Kaspersky

10. I have lost my activation code. What should I do? 
If the activation code was lost in order to restore the code, send a request to Kaspersky Lab Technical Support via theweb-form HelpDesk. Please give the following information in the request: 
  • purchase date
  • store where you purchased the product
  • license validity period
  • copy of the order request (if the license was purchased via the E-Store)
  • copy of cash-memo (verifying that the license has been paid)
  • name of the license owner

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How to Enable “Group Policy Editor” (gpedit.msc) in Windows 7 Home Premium, Home Basic and Starter Editions?

DISCLAIMER: This utility has been shared for the sake of knowledge sharing. Patching system files using 3rd party software might be dangerous for your system. We do not recommend it and we'll not be responsible if it harms your system.
 Many times we post tutorials which require Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc). But some Windows 7 editions (Home Premium, Home Basic and Starter) don't come with Group Policy Editor. Only Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate editions come with Group Policy Editor installed.
Today we are going to share a simple installer which installs the required system files in Windows so that you can enjoy Group Policy Editor in all Windows 7 editions.

"jwils876" @ DA has shared a small setup file to enable Group Policy Editor in Windows 7 Starter, Home Basic and Home Premium editions.

The installer has been originally created by "davehc" @ Windows7forums, so thanks goes to him as well.
First download the setup file using following link: Download Group Policy Editor Installer
You'll find the download link in right-side section of the above mentioned page. After downloading the ZIP file, extract it using WinRAR or Zip. Run the extracted setup.exe file. It'll install the files and you'll be able to access gpedit.msc command via RUN or Start Menu search box.
NOTE 1: For Windows 7 64-bit (x64) users! You'll also need to go to "SysWOW64" folder present in "C:\Windows" folder and copy "GroupPolicy", "GroupPolicyUsers" folders and gpedit.msc file from there and paste them in "C:\Windows\System32" folder.
NOTE 2: If you are getting "MMC could not create the snap-in" error message while running gpedit.msc, check out following steps to fix the problem. Basically it happens when your username in Windows contains more than one word.
1. Run the installer and leave it at the last step (do not click on the "Finish" button).
2. Now go to C:\Windows\Temp\gpedit\ folder.
3. If you are running 32-bit (x86) edition of Windows 7, right-click on x86.bat file and choose "Open With -> Notepad" option. If you are running 64-bit (x64) edition of Windows 7, right-click on x64.bat file and choose "Open With -> Notepad" option.
4. You'll find a total of 6 lines containing the following string in the file:
5. Edit those lines and replace %username%:f with "%username%":f
For example:
Original: icacls %WinDir%\SysWOW64\gpedit.dll /grant:r %username%:fNew: icacls %WinDir%\SysWOW64\gpedit.dll /grant:r "%username%":f
6. Save and run the file (right-click -> Run as Administrator).
7. That's it. You'll have working gpedit.msc.
Thanks   "askvg" for the fix...

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"hard drive self monitoring system has reported thy a parameter has exceeded it's normal operating range" Dell recommends that you back up your data regularly."

Hello folks, I received question from one of my YouTube visitors Shane Velez, please visit and enjoy her channel.....
here is the question:
Every time I turn on my computer is shows normal dell black screen, then it goes black & another notice coma up on the bottom of the black screen. It says " hard drive self monitoring system has reported thy a parameter has exceeded it's normal operating range" Dell recommends that you back up your data regularly." Then is says press F1 to continue, F2 to enter Setup When I press F1 the cursor at the top left corner is blinking, then the black screen it continues to a number of options on the black screen including stat windows normally.. I tried all including safe mode but it just goes to black screen. Can you help? Thanks

 Well I hate to say that but sound look like hard drive getting start getting bad, in some cases systems is offering to create a backup, if your computer under a warranty I would definitely call manufacture in our case it is DELL
If you out of warranty let see what we can do.

 1) I have had so many hard drives in past and it is like in my gene's right now if when I get personally these issues, I shut down the PC, unplug all the peripherals -dvd drives, other hard drives, beside one main hard drive, then unplug your PC from power source, locate reset button on your motherboard, or read instruction based on your model how to reset motherboard, then plug power supply back, and start your pc, with just one hard drive(that is possible fix for SATA drive witch is come with newer pcs since 2010 for sure sometimes is earlier. ) See if your computer is boot, if not go to step 2
 2) Again I just share with you folks what was work for me in many cases, I do repair computers is well, and in most cases successfully.
So what do you need to know first?  The hard drive does not like when you start restarting your pc, while computer try diagnostics, sometimes it can take several hours, and not many of as have enough patients to wait, in future we pay with our lost data!.
 So main think is have patients, what I would do personally when fill that my pc is dying, - removing hard drive and install new one, then using USB caddies to copy content back on to a normal drive, it little hassle but it better then wait till you lost it all.
 3) Step 3 try to use original software that pre installed on your computer.
Try going to the hard drive's manufacturer's website, then download their bootable diagnostics and run the extended test on the hard drive.
 It's likely you need to replace the hard drive, but you should run the diagnostics to verify. Try running Dell Diagnostic's extended test on the hard drive.
The instructions for using Dell's Diagnostics Utility, are HERE
It's true the best and sensible solution would be to back your disk up and use it either no more or as seldom as possible.
 4) Try to shut down and restart and press F12 instead of F1 or F2 - then highlight the you HDD and press enter - see if computer will boot up with no problem?!? 
 If this process is fail then you will need to install new hard drive and install OS, use your recovery CD to install it. After that you can plug your damaged hard drive using external bay or use second SATA ports inside computer to install it...

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How to Reset Your BIOS

Have you recently made a change to your computer's hardware and need to reset your BIOS? Are you locked out of a computer that you purchased secondhand because of an unknown BIOS password? If so, you'll need to reset your BIOS to factory settings. Depending on what you have access to, you can reset the BIOS from within the BIOS menu itself, reset the jumper on your motherboard, or remove and reinsert the CMOS battery that powers the BIOS memory.
Method 1 of 3: Resetting from Within BIOS
Access your BIOS. Turn on your computer and press the key on your keyboard to enter the BIOS. This is typically the Del (delete) key. Pre-built systems from major manufacturers may use a function key such as F1, F2, or F10.
If you are using Windows 8 with a UEFI motherboard, you may not have access to a traditional BIOS screen and instead will need to use the Advanced Boot menu. See Step 4 of this guide for more details.
If you cannot access your BIOS because you are locked out with a password or it has been corrupted, use one of the following methods following this section.
Find the factory reset option. The location and wording of this option varies for every different BIOS. It will typically be called "Reset to Default", "Factory Default", "Setup Defaults", or something similar. It may be located in one of the tabs or it may be an option listed near the navigation buttons.
Select the option or press the button to load your factory defaults.
If your BIOS does not have this option, use one of the following methods following this section.

Save your changes and confirm your selection if necessary. This will often be combined with the process of exiting a BIOS. Your computer will automatically reboot. If you need to change your BIOS settings once your BIOS resets, you may need to reboot your computer again and enter the BIOS to change them.
Method 2 of 3: Resetting the Jumper
Open your case. You will need to be able to access the motherboard of your computer. be very careful when working on the inside of your computer, as electrostatic discharge can easily destroy sensitive components. Make sure that you are properly grounded before working inside the computer.
Find the CMOS jumper. Locate the three-pin jumper on your motherboard that controls the BIOS. It will usually found near the CMOS battery. The jumper will be covering two of the three pins.
The jumper may be labeled CLEAR, CLR, CLEAR CMOS, PSSWRD, or a variety of other labels. Refer to your motherboard's documentation to find the correct jumper.
Move the jumper to the other two pins. For example, if the jumper is covering the first and second pins, move it so that it is covering the second and third pins. Be sure to pull the jumper straight up to remove it so that you don't bend the pins.
Press your power button. Press and hold the power button on your computer for about 10-15 seconds (nothing should happen because the power is turned off). This will discharge any remaining power stored in the capacitors. This will make the BIOS reset.
Return the jumper to its default position. Put the jumper back on the pins that it was originally on. This will allow you to access your BIOS when you start your computer up. Close up the case when you are finished.
Turn the power supply back on. Move the rocker-style switch at the back of your PC to the ON (I) position. If you unplugged the computer from the wall, plug it back in.
Power on your PC. Press the front Power button. You will need to enter your BIOS and reconfigure all of the settings, including the time, date, and boot order.
Method 3 of 3: Removing the CMOS Battery.
Power down your computer. Shut down your computer from within the operating system. Locate a rocker-style switch at the back of your PC (if applicable), and switch it from the ON position (I) to the OFF position (O). If there is no switch, unplug the computer from the outlet.
Open your case. You will need to be able to access the motherboard of your computer. be very careful when working on the inside of your computer, as electrostatic discharge can easily destroy sensitive components. Make sure that you are properly grounded before working inside the computer.
For many laptops, you can access the CMOS battery from a removable panel on the bottom of the laptop. If there is no panel available, you will most likely need to disassemble the laptop to access it.
Remove the CMOS battery. The battery is typically located near your PCI slots, but may be in different locations depending on the manufacturer of your motherboard. It may be hidden by expansion cards and cables. The battery is usually a standard 3V, round, flat watch battery (CR2032).
Press your power button. Press and hold the power button on your computer for about 10-15 seconds (nothing should happen because the power is turned off). This will discharge any remaining power stored in the capacitors. By discharging the power, the CMOS memory will reset, thereby resetting your BIOS.
Reinsert the CMOS battery. Carefully reinsert the CMOS battery back into its housing. Make sure that you have put the battery in the right direction. The slightly smaller side should be facing down.
Close your case back up after reinserting the battery.
Turn the power supply back on. Move the rocker-style switch at the back of your PC to the ON (I) position. If you unplugged the computer from the wall, plug it back in.
Power on your PC. Press the front Power button. You will need to enter your BIOS and reconfigure all of the settings, including the time, date, and boot order.

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Replacing the Explorer Shell in Windows 7

How to replace the Windows Explorer shell in Windows 7 with another shell.
As in previous versions of Windows, you can still replace the Windows Explorer shell in Windows 7 with a different shell such as the command prompt or the Windows PowerShell command shell. To do this, open Registry Editor and locate the following registry entry:
Key: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
Name: Shell
Type: REG_SZ
Value: Explorer.exe
For example, you can change the Value to Cmd.exe or PowerShell.exe and then log off the computer and log back in again.
Note that you may even be able to run some third-party shell applications, though Microsoft obviously doesn't support the replacement shell itself (the vendor will have to support it).

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Is it a good idea to download something from an unsecured network?

I'm trying to download something. But I want to use WI-Fi I don't know my neighbours wireless pass code and I'm not sure if my neighbours do have WI-Fi. I'm thinking about using the unsecured WI Fi. Is it a good idea. Will I might get a virus. I would like to know if its safe and if its a good idea.

free wifi hotspot
All unsecured networks may be safe or not safe, because some people dont know how to keep a secured network and some knows but they might hack your smartphone data if they are professionals in hacking.

If you are on unsecured network browse at your own risk one more thing is that you mush have installed a good antivirus in smartphone if you are on unsecured network you will safe. Moreover totally depends on what you are browsing and downloading, say you are downloading any files from mail that's quite natural or you are copying the shared file that might be risk because the file is network may or may not contain virus.

If your device is loaded with antivirus it will safe for you and you can access any type of file or website, it warns you if that is an inappropriate file. One more important thing is you need to update the virus definitions atleat once in a week.

Tip :- dont list your passwords, userid's and credit card numbers and other credentials in you smartphone or in email or in any cloud storage

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Can I close out of my anti virus software now?

I ran my anti virus software, Norton, to get rid of a dangerous file I just downloaded. Right now it's stuck on a log for a game I downloaded, but I'm pretty sure it's found the virus thing because it says 105 security risks detected and resolved. So, should I close it or keep it running, because it's been sitting on this screen for a while now and would it be okay, if I just went ahead and hopped on the Internet if I can't close it?

symantec scan

Yes you can close it and it just showing the results of the scan and if you find any important in that and the result will be displayed on the right side of the window. Some viruses or infected files cannot cleaned, whether if you want to delete or move to quarantine you can do that manually.

Some antivirus cannot clean the compressed files because the antivirus has limited features those are may be trial versions or free versions. After scanning they will display the results and showing that which files are infected and types of virus, action taken on them, if you find any compressed file check whether that file is realted to you or not and dont just delete all the compressed files.

I suggest you the full version of antivirus has the deep scanning parameters where it scan the total compressed file and cleans that particular in that file so better have the full version of security softwares. Most of antivirus cleans the trojans aswell if they cant download the trojan remover where it cleans the trojans files and have many better features

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What kind of router should I get?

The WiFi in my on campus apartment sucks,someone told me I should get a wireless router and connect it via the Ethernet port but I don't know what kind I should get. It would be used for my laptop and phone.

wifi router buy

Yes, because if you receive low signal rate you should get Router, better connect the LAN or ISP cable to the router and configure the router to give access to certain devices only.

If you see routers manual that is easy to configure the router and don't forget to assign the security key because if that is an open network anyone can access your Internet until they are in your WiFi range.

but when ever you should know that if your home is spread in large area better research on Internet and buy the better one. Many people don't know which router we should buy they will get the kind of router that are low in price and then it not functions correctly.

To be frank I bought a router firstly which I don't know about it and it cannot not spread area in long, if connected disconnects automatically, connects back again and then I researched on Internet got the best router.

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[ Avira AntiVirus ] If I delete a virus from my quarantine, does it leave my computer?

Or does it go back to the file in my computer which it was located before? Please be clear, I'm 13 and don't understand things too well, ha-ha  But please help me! I won't move anything from my quarantine until I know what things do. I am using Avira Antivirus. The virus found on my computer was discovered four days ago( I think), by the name of "ADWARE/Agent.aeph". It's a malware. I don't know too much about these things, so please be...not too big-wordy. 
quarantine chest virus vault

Better delete the thing from the quarantine because the virus in the file cannot be cleaned, so the antivirus programme will move the virus into quarantine.

Here you need to know some things where if that is a compressed file, some antivirus programmes like free versions cannot the clean the infected files in a computer so it moves the file to quarantine. if you wanna recover that files and want to delete only infected file, disable the antivirus system and then extract the files and enable the antivirus system, it will scan the the files infected file will be quarantined.

I have faced many problems like this because whenever the infection found in compressed file the antivirus deletes the total compressed file and leads loss of the other files. If you go through the premium versions of the antivirus programmes you will not face this problems but when you are going to extract the infected compressed files you need be careful (infection depends on virus) do at your own risk.

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If I lose my graphics card installation driver disc can I install drivers online?

vga drivers google online

There are so many methods to get the drivers of your graphic card. First thing when ever you got your motherboard or graphic driver cd you need to get it back up or another written in another cd or you need to copy the entire folders of the cd to your hard disk drive not in c drive or OS drive.

If your friend or any other nephew purchased the same graphic card you can get the cd from them but please note here model number should be matched.

Another way is from the manufacturers website, go to the appropriate website and go to support then find the model and check your model and select the OS then download the drivers.

If you don't know the model or manufacturer, just enter the motherboard model in Google search download from the manufacturer website because other websites may contain viruses or trojans mainly exe files.

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I have two laptops and one wireless connection but there is a problem?

i have an old laptop which I still use and I recently purchased a new laptop. both are connected to the same wireless network. But I am having a problem with the new laptop. When I am using my old laptop, the internet access bar at the bottom corner of the task bar shows full..All bars are filled and the signal strength is high. But when I switch off this laptop and open the new laptop, I have noticed that the signal strength is low and only two bars are full showing a weak network or limited connection. I can browse the internet on both laptops. Even when both laptops are on, the signal strength on the previous or old laptop is very high whereas on the new one it shows very low. My internet connection has high connectivity. I am not able to understand why this is happening . Can anyone tell me what's going wrong with my new laptop?

laptop WiFi signal low high

As your old laptop has good network controller where the new laptop doesn't have and check here the laptops specifications matter after checking you will notice the chipset used by your old and new laptops are different.

In my point of view your old laptop has the good network controller which spread the radio waves longer, which has high frequency whereas the new laptop doesn't have and there is specific difference in 802.11b/g/n, if these models differs the spread area.

One thing is check whether your new laptop got connected any other network which might be open network the signal of that network might be low so check the WiFi settings to which network you are connected to.

Might be your both laptops are not placed in the same area and if the area differ the signal strength also changes due to distance from the router and If you have smartphone place the two laptops and smart phone connect them to your router and you will come to know the exact difference

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Computer screen turns black and white?

Hello, I have a hp 2000 notebook laptop and sometimes the laptop will stop working and the screen will turn black with white lines and now it has also started beeping, I have run Kaspersky to look for viruses, I restored the computer to a previous date, I have tried everything I know to do but it still does this, so if anyone knows what the problem is or how to fix it I would really appreciate the help. Thanks

desktop screen monitor

That might be the problem of the Hardware, it seems like the problem is related to RAM or the any other internal connection problem.

Is you do the software reset or restore and scanning the computer does it solves the problem and resinstalling the OS may fix the problem once check with the reinstallation.

After Reinstall if you are facing the same problem, you might need to contact the HP service centre and they will provide the solution for this. In my point of view the problem is related to the hardware, in most cases ram only.

If your laptop is out of warranty, you might take risk to change the RAM and check it, if you are through only do this otherwise contact the repair centre.

and automatically goes back with white lines does it occur at any specific of time after power on the system?

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What is the Difference Between IPS and AMOLED?

Have you ever been observed that what the display technology that you’re mobile has been assembled with? So many people don’t check the specifications of the smartphone, whether which hardware they have used and ram and camera…etc.

display technology compare

Let us know about the display technology, now a days many smartphone manufactures are using the IPS (In-plane Switching)

Now will check about the pros and cons about the IPS Technology.


  • IPS technology was made for the LCD screen technology to overcome the limitations of the LCD display. As LCD display without IPS technology is not good for games and response time also low.
  • LCD display colors are viewed perfectly in the straight viewing angle only, With IPS attached to it results better viewing angle.
  • As the viewing angle is not perfect, the images display is not good, fi that of a IPS LCD display the images are much sharper.


  • IPS screen requires stronger backlight
  • It consumes more battery power.
  • Screens are typically much thicker

ips lcd vs super amoled

Now look at AMOLED screens


  • AMOLED (Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode) is an upgraded display technology for OLED. It doesn’t depends on Backlight
  • The viewing angles are much better than any other display technology
  • AMOLED consumes less power compared to IPS display
  • Slimmer technology
  • Very Good Contrast levels


  • AMOLED screens are expensive technology
  • Images are not sharp compared to IPS
  • Daylight visibility is low
  • Display colors degraded overtime

So when it comes to LCD display that technology has developed well, Super IPS display has overcoming AMOLED screens.

For the better battery life and for the normal display colors go for the AMOLED screens.

But so many manufacturers are using the IPS technology and Smartphones with AMOLED are a bit expensive and has less hardware specifications compared to the smartphones that packed with IPS display.

We need to keep in mind that GPU also plays role in display technology.

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