What to carry while traveling during Monsoons?

1. A large sized umbrella of good quality.

2. Dark color clothes should be worn so that mud spots cannot be seen which get splashed while walking.

3. Put on short trousers, to avoid the trouser getting wet from the bottom.

4. Now-a- days you get shoes which are suitable for all types of weather, you can put on those shoes or you can go for rubber sandals or shoes which are made only for rainy season. Gumboots or Wellington boots are the best for this season but they may not be handy while travelling.

5. A small first aid box to be carried with antiseptic solution or cream, a ball of cotton, band aids or plasters, bandages etc.

6. A full size raincoat or two pieces rain coat will be the best choice if you are walking on the road or travelling on a bike.

7. A water proof back pack to carry different stuffs required for travelling like a change of clothes, a hand towel, hair dryer, first aid box, and some other emergency items.

8. Stagnant water is the breeding ground of mosquitoes and during monsoon water gets stored in many pockets, which result in increase in number of mosquitoes in the surroundings. So mosquito repellent must be carried.

9. If you are staying in some budget hotels, then carrying mosquito net is the best idea.

10. Avoid eating roadside food during monsoon specially, as the carrier of germs flies also increase in number.

11. If you want to attend some special programme, (especially ladies) you must put on water proof make up.

11. A special care should be taken in case of drinking water.

12. Light woolen garments can be carried, as the atmosphere sometimes may become cold.

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