8 Health Reasons You Should Never Skip Breakfast

Breakfast is a very important part of our diet. If you are following habit of avoiding or skipping your breakfast, here are some very important reasons why you should not.

If you want to getup in the morning, needs alot of energy to kick start a day. Only breakfast can boost you with this energy

If you are of those one who are still skipping your breakfast, now is the time to change. Some extremely important reasons Why you should never avoid breakfast?

1. Breakfast improves your metabolism:

Blood sugar level drops down in the morning. You need food that can provide you energy to get through the morning. Body needs fuel to keep it running and the night is the longest gap in the refuelling process. To make sure your metabolism keeps on going you need to have something within 2 hours of waking up.

2. Breakfast Keeps you on track if you are looking to lose weight:

Researchers have found that those who eat breakfast incline to maintain and lose weight. Though people skip breakfast in the promise of losing weight they tend to eat more during lunch or even choose unhealthier options later on which results into weight gain.

3. Helps to maintain insulin response:

Skipping meals leads to a hyper insulin response when calories are consumed later on. That means the level of insulin in blood is more than the glucose level which can lead to metabolic disorder. This in turn results in to fat accumulation.

4. Helps perform better and sharp at work/school:

Hungry employees and students don’t do any good at work/school. When you are hungry you are irritable and disinterested which reflects on your work too. Breakfast helps you to wake up and makes you attentive.

5. Burns those calories early in a day:

If you have breakfast you can burn those calories early! How is that? Well, instead of going hungry till lunch and then hogging on something loaded with calories with fewer hours left in the day to burn it consider refuelling yourself early and getting enough time to burn those calories. So as to burn the calories dont use the elevators instead stairs, as much as you can go through the stairs and if not possible choose the elevators at that time.

6. Aids in setting a good example:

If you have kids, you always want to set a good example for them. By having breakfast on time you will show the quality of leadership by example.

7. Gets you your essential nutrients first thing in the morning:

There are food which we have only as a part of our breakfast like cereals, fruits, corn and milk. If you bypass your breakfast you might never get those nutrients.

8. Skipping breakfast can make you grumpy:

If you have been skipping breakfast and are in bad mood, you probably should know why. Not having breakfast makes you grouchy. You might not even realise it and keep wondering why you are so irritable!

Apart from all these reasons to have your breakfast there are few things you should always keep in mind:
Never have dessert for breakfast, it will cause blood sugar loss later on and you will be tempted to eat even more.

Stay full, stay happy!

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