I tried to hook up a DS WiFi I changed a few things in my router options to do this online. It never worked and now my laptop refuses to connect to the internet via WiFi When I go into my laptop options to reconnect to the internet it is blabbing about passwords I never used to make an internet connection. Very user unfriendly. No idea how to fix this.
Do one thing just reset the router and when you reset the router it restores to factory settings. after resetting just wait for two minutes and keep the router manual with you, follow the instructions.
It is safe to keep a password to WiFi keep a password that must difficult to guess with combination numbers, letters and special characters.
Password or key can be acts as a security for the WiFi Options like WPS/WPA/WEP or features included in the router for a protected network.
Don't ever share your Passwords and username with other users, they might limit the internet connection speed and it's usage for you.
Check your laptop if not still connected by doing the above things, your laptop has some traces or viruses that are not allowing to connect to internet.
Have a good Internet Security installed in your laptop, better buy a full versions of software that will show you the performance.
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